Monday, October 10, 2016

Window flashing and Huber Zip System

This past week the crew has been working on flashing all the windows to get ready for the window installation. The windows are supposed to be shipped on October 10th and the installation is supposed to begin on October 17th.

The flashing is a combination of flashing tape and a liquid flashing membrane.

They have also framed up the pool shed (left in the picture) and have begun applying the Huber Zip tape. This picture is taken in the beginning of the week before they started applying tape.

The sheathing system we are using consists of a structural panel with an embedded vapor, water and air-barrier applied directly to it. In order to create a completely airtight and watertight sheathing skin, the gaps between the Zip panels are taped with a special black Zip tape from the same manufacturer that bonds with the panels and seals the seams between them.

This picture is taken Friday after they started applying the black Zip tape.